Defeat Safe Locks Successfully with the Unbeatable CB La Gard 2200 Variable Tool and VMI (Variable Magnetic Indicator)

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The majority of professional locksmiths who work with safes on a frequent basis are faced with the tricky La Gard lock, which tends to have some issues with the key guide Tooth in the entrance of the key way. This key guide Tooth tends to snap and break off, which makes it nigh on impossible to manipulate and defeat with standard, run of the mill safe lock tools. The TradeLocks Chris Belcher La Gard 2200 Variable Tool and VMI (Variable Magnetic Indicator) was specifically developed out of frustration that, previously, there were no alternative tools to effectively work in conjunction with the La Gard 2200 Safe if it has been damaged in any way. The CB La Gard 2200 Variable Tool and VMI is the most suitable tool to use on this type of lock, and is also incredibly basic.

One of the reasons why the CB La Gard 2200 Variable Tool and VMI is so uncomplicated and straightforward is so that both novices and professionals can take full advantage of the many features and benefits that it has to offer. More intricate locksmith tools can take years to master, which is why the unrivalled CB La Gard 2200 Variable Tool and VMI is considered a highly sought after product, as it does not matter how experienced or skilled you may be as it is so easy to get to grips with. The CB La Gard 2200 Variable Tool and VMI is also incredibly versatile and multifunctional, and will not become affected by daily wear and tear.

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Even if used on a frequent basis, the CB La Gard 2200 Variable Tool and VMI will still work productively and efficiently, so is an essential purchase if you want to give business a boost and expand your client base. The way in which the CB La Gard 2200 Variable Tool and VMI operates is that it allows the Thumbturn to slide along the picking stem. This in turn enables you to bring the Thumbturn relatively close to the face of the safe door, which removes the end-weight which affects the picking. You may also position the Thumbturn anywhere else you prefer-it is entirely up to you!

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The Thumbturn also features a pointer, which is a fantastic way in which to accurately indicate the position of each of the wheels, and work with maximum precision. In addition, you will then be able to carefully plot your actions with the felt pen, as the pick comes complete with the VMI. The CB La Gard 2200 Variable Tool and VMI comes complete with a number of attractive, customer-friendly features and qualities which make this particular lock tool an essential component of any locksmith’s kit-and a one of a kind choice for the La Gard 2200.

The CB La Gard 2200 Variable Tool and VMI is completely unique and innovative, due to the following technical specifications:

  • Construction: Created from the highest-grade 303 Stainless Steel, this precision-engineered lock tool guarantees durability, longevity and effectiveness with its Anodised Aluminium Thumbturn. It has been developed by the legendary Chris Belcher with the featured sliding aluminium Thumbturn (rather than the common bar) which provides far more control and flexibility when the tool is being manipulated, and helps reduce the ‘end weight’.
  • Characteristics: Unlike other, similar tools designed with the intention to manipulate and destroy the La Gard 2200, this lock tool is developed to work successfully, even if there is a worn key-way. Designed out of frustration, Chris Belcher was becoming extremely tired of coming across safe locks with very worn-down keyways, which were completely damaged due to the non-existent key guide (Tooth) in the entrance to the lock-case. The CB La Gard 2200 Variable Tool and VMI requires little to no set-up time once it has been properly mastered, and all you need to do is check that the wheels are in the start position so that the safe lock can be effectively destroyed, with minimal damage and disruption.
  • Optional Equipment: Though not included with this particular safe lock tool, TradeLocks highly recommends that you invest in a good quality audio amplifier, as there are significant differences between locks based on the usage and overall age in the tactile and/or sound. The CB La Gard 2200 Variable Tool and VMI is ever so simple to get to grips with, and you will be able to work with confidence and proficiency, regardless of expertise. Once mastered, depending on the overall condition and age of the lock, times for defeating the lock vary anywhere between 5 minutes to 35 minutes. Aside from its unbeatable construction and numerous (rewarding) features, the most appealing dimension of the CB La Gard 2200 Variable Tool and VMI is that it has been invented by one of the most respected names in the industry. Chris Belcher has encountered La Gard 2200 locks on a number of different occasions, and has used this first-hand experience to come up with something completely novel and creative.

Remember to note that if you decide to purchase the incredible CB La Gard 2200 Variable Tool and VMI then you need to buy the carry case separately, as it does not come included in the package. We would recommend investing in a sturdy, easily transportable carry case as this ensures that equipment can be transported from A to B comfortably, without the added worry of it becoming damaged in the process.

And the unrivalled CB La Gard 2200 Variable Tool and VMI is available for only £24.99 + VAT in the BIG TradeLocks Sale. In order to take advantage of this EXCLUSIVE discount deal, just visit, where there are even more special surprises waiting in store!

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