What Is Lock Bumping?

lock bumping

“Lock bumping” is one of the most common methods of attack during a burglary. Criminals manipulate the lock by placing a “bump key” into the lock and striking it with a heavy object, which causes the pins in the cylinder to vibrate up and down, tricking the lock into opening as if the correct key were being inserted. Successful lock bumping can leave little evidence that the lock has been attacked, resulting in some insurance companies refusing to pay out for it.

An effective way to protect your doors from this method of lock breaking is to make sure all cylinders in your home have an anti-bumping system. These cylinders work by having more pins and shallow pin stacks compared to locks without this function. This prevents the pins from jumping up when attacked with a bump key, keeping the door locked.

Most new builds are supplied with anti-bump locks these days, but older buildings with out of date cylinders should be replaced to prevent this burglary method.

UAP’s high security cylinders have been designed and tested to defend against all the most common break-in methods, including picking and drilling. Choose a 3* Kitemarked cylinder that explicitly states it provides security features such as anti-snap, anti-drill, anti-bump and anti-pick. Our latest and most secure lock, the Kinetica+ K4, is equipped with all of these and approved by Secured by Design, Sold Secure Diamond, and BSI Kitemarked. This lock is also now available in a horizontal keyway. Find out more about the Kinetica+ K4 here.




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