Picking and decoding the Ford HU198 lock using the Genuine Lishi pick and decoder Vol.2

Step into Vol.2 of this guided series on picking and decoding the new Ford Jaguar HU198 lock using the Genuine Lishi Pick and Decoder.

Picking the Ford Jaguar HU198 Lock Using the HU198/Ford 2017 Lishi Pick and Decoder Tool

There’s not a lot of difference when picking this new lock as to how we picked the old HU101 lock. The lock favours a light tension – the lighter the better. We apply a light tension via the tension arm on the tool, then, as always, navigate each position in turn, feeling which wafers have movement and which are binding solid. We are only interested in those wafers that bind solid – anything with movement, we leave well alone.

So, with light tension, we navigate to each position in turn and gently tickle each wafer to see if it has movement. If it does, we leave it be. If it doesn’t, and is binding solid, we pick it until it again has movement, then move on to find the next binding wafer. Once all binding wafers are picked, the lock will open.

Again, try and take note of how each position picks as this helps you a lot with the decode. You can almost decode the lock in your head whilst picking it. You know any positions you don’t need to pick will be five-cuts, any positions that picked with just one small click are four-cuts, and any positions you had to pick excessively high are one-cuts. Only two and three-cuts are difficult to tell apart. This helps determine your decode if it’s a lock that reads out one side.

So, let’s pick the HU198 lock using the Lishi pick and decoder. I’ve inserted my tool and have applied a light tension. I will now navigate the lock to find and pick the binding wafers:

Position five is the first to bind and pick and picks just a tiny click, so I assume it’s a four cut

Position nine is the next to bind and pick and as it picks to the one cut line, I assume it’s likely to be a one cut

Position four is the next to bind and pick

Position eight is the next to bind and pick, and as it picks just beyond the one line, I assume it’s a one cut

Position six is next to bind and pick

Position three is next to bind and pick

Position seven is next to bind and pick

Position two is the next to bind and pick, it moves just one small click which makes it likely to be a four cut

Position ten is next to bind and pick

And the lock opens

So, I have the lock open and ready to decode, but in paying attention to how the lock picked for me I already know that position one didn’t need picking so will be a five-cut for sure. However, I also think by paying attention to my picking that positions two and five moved just one small click, so it’s likely to be a four-cut in each, and that positions eight and nine picked very high and are likely to be number one cuts.

With this in mind, I’m already confident of my decode in positions one, two, five, eight and nine, so in five positions I think I know what the decode should be. The rest, I suspect, will be two and three-cuts  which will help during decode, but I’m also confident from the feel of the picking process of the decode of half of the key already.

Visit The Genuine Lishi Series Guide Page for more information.

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