Tradelocks have teamed up with Chris Belcher to bring you Quality Tools now at Tradelocks Quality Prices

cb-1Tradelocks have signed an exclusive agreement with Chris Belcher to produce the Belcher Reversible Pocket Curtain Pick 5g and 7g Tools plus the Belcher Button Gauge. Designed to open British Standard Mortice Locks, these tools are renowned for being the best in the world.


Anyone in the lock & security industry will be familiar with Chris Belcher. One of the countries most renowned locksmith engineers, Chris’s knowledge and skills has enabled him to develop some of the cleverest tools on the market.  The RPCP is just one example of his tools engineered to an exceptional standard. We spoke to Chris recently and he explained how he developed the tool.

“Over twenty-five years ago I created a tool for curtained lever locks for my own use. This was the great-grandfather of the Reversible Pocket Curtain Pick. It was made from two steel key-blanks welded together and shaped very similar to the current Pre-Lifter Curtain Pick. I made it specifically for picking the Chubb locks.  It remained in that shape until I eventually decided that it had a commercial value. Then I redesigned it to be more acceptable  for other locksmiths to use. At first, the new tool was looked upon as ridiculous, however history shows that it’s probably the most successful pick of its kind. It enabled all locksmiths who were so inclined to pick just about every curtained lever mortice lock in the British market place. The tool was registered with its European Design Rights, and we set about trying to sell it.  The variations of the basic tool along with different shaped wires further expanded its versatility. We have continuously tried to improve its ease of use over the years, so what started out as a very plain steel tool, is now much more refined.”

chris-belcher-david-jennings-rpcp1Tradelocks have now launched a range of 7 gauge and 5 gauge RPCP sets for just £149(+VAT). Each set contains a 5G Curtain Pick, 7G Curtain Pick, 3 Double Ended wires (3 right hand, 3 left hand) and a Lollipop Wire Holder, all presented in an eco-friendly Chris Belcher display case.


 Training courses on British Standard Locks are available from Tradelocks, for more details, call us on 0161 763 5290 or email   

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