Present your Customers Only the Best with Nanocoast Technology Products

When it comes to working and living in the UK everyone knows how harsh the elements are on the coastal areas and TradeLocks has a great solution for every locksmith and homeowner, the MAX6MUM SECURITY Nanocoast Technology Door Hardware.

Impressive Nanocoast Door Hardware withstands salt and pollution attacks.
Impressive Nanocoast Door Hardware withstands salt and pollution attacks.

If you are looking for great products to stock up your shop or present your customers when on the job nothing beats the fantastic options available from MAX6MUM SECURITY. Salt levels in coastal areas as well as pollution in industrial areas is the main culprit for corrosion, discolouration, and tarnishing of exterior door hardware however the new MAX6MUM SECURITY Nanocoast range is aimed to overcome just these problems.

Developed of high quality 304 grade stainless steel and salt spray tested for 2,000 hours as to ASTM B117 standards the Nanocoast range is easily the best there is when it comes to durability against common salt and pollution attacks. The Nanocoast products available at TradeLocks do not tarnish under the constant salt attacks that most UK homes are put up against and even if you work in the most polluted city even acid rain cannot have an effect on this durable range which prevents surface corrosion.

Nanocoast SSS

You can stock up on a variety of great products available in the MAX6MUM SECURITY Nanocoast range. Not only are they ultra durable but they are attractive and very easy to fit. Select from the impressive MAX6MUM SECURITY Nanocoast Letterplates which include a number of great door security features in addition to their ultra durability, the attractive MAX6MUM SECURITY Nanocoast Door Knockers which feature the timeless Victoria Urn design, the ultra secure MAX6MUM SECURITY Nanocoast Door Handles which when combined with a quality cylinder lock make the front door nearly impenetrable, and don’t forget to help your customers give their property an identity with the MAX6MUM SECURITY Nanocoast Letters and Numerals.

MAX6MUM SECURITY is popular among homeowners throughout Scotland, Ireland, and Great Britain primarily because their inexpensive home security solutions are not only of the highest quality but they are very effective and easy to fit. Already a household name among homeowners that are looking to improve their home security, and more specifically their window and door security they are a great choice to stock in your shop.

As a professional homeowners will seek your advice and recommendations for a variety of home security solutions aside from the type of locks they need to fit. You can recommend MAX6MUM SECURITY products with confidence because not only are they the best priced options but they are easily the most durable, most effective, and easiest to fit. With products such as the MAX6MUM SECURITY Nanocoast range developed specifically for coastal areas in the United Kingdom they have quickly grown to be a favourite for both homeowners and locksmiths alike.

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