Make Home Security Top Of Your New Year’s Resolutions List

Improving your home security should be top of your resolutions list this year! Securing your home is much more than just locking your windows and doors, it’s also about installing high quality home security solutions that are designed to prevent common burglary techniques.

Don’t let your home security measures slip this year! Here’s some simple steps that you can take to improve your security solutions.

3-Star Door Security

If you haven’t already, install a cylinder that incorporates many security features to combat the threat of lock bumping, cylinder snapping, picking and other forced entry techniques.

On standard cylinders, the weakest point is at the central screw hole. When an intruder applies force to the outside of the lock, the lock will simply snap. Once snapped, it then makes it easy to manipulate the cylinder into opening using a screwdriver or other tools.

Taking simple steps such as upgrading locks to high security Kitemarked cylinders, such as the Kinetica+ K4, will help to prevent cylinder snapping and other lock breaking techniques.

Secure Your Windows

New Year's Resolutions: Improve Your Home Security

As with your doors, it’s vital to make sure your windows also offer maximum security.  Windows provide a main point of entry for burglars, but their security can be overlooked. There are several security measures you can use that have been designed to defend against some of the most commonly used break-in techniques.

A sash jammer is a must-have device for uPVC window security designed to prevent levering of the sash leaf, deterring forced entry. Add a window restrictor to your solution to limit the opening of your windows too, which also prevents children, pets and objects from falling from windows. Restrictors work by connecting the window frame and the part of the window that opens with a strong steel cable, restricting how far it can open.

Look Out For The Secured By Design Logo

By exclusively buying products with Secured by Design approval, you are only fitting your home with products specially designed and tested to prevent break-ins and forced entry. Secured by Design refers to the UK Police flagship initiative for security products and designs recognised for their effectiveness in reducing crime.

Statistics show that by using Secured by Design products in your home, you are up to 75% less likely to be burgled. If an attempt is made, statistics also show a reduction in criminal damage of as much as 25%.

UAP and Fullex supply a full range of Secured by Design products to keep homes safe and secure. Fullex take pride in being the very first company to be licensed by the Secured by Design initiative, and were responsible for the first UK manufactured multi point locking system.

Make Your Home Look Lived In

Whether you’re popping to the shops or jetting off on holiday for several weeks, your unoccupied home is at risk of burglary. However, taking even the smallest security steps can make a difference.

Keeping your home well-lit is a simple yet effective way of making it appear that you’re home. Use timer switches to set your lights to automatically turn on and off at certain times.

To avoid unwanted attention, ask a neighbour or friend to draw your curtains or blinds and move your post out of sight from the front door while you are away.

Door Security

Adding extra security to your front door can help secure your home further. No door should be opened without first checking who is on the other side.

Installing a door chain not only means you can see who has knocked before opening your door fully, but it makes it difficult for an intruder to force their way into your home as soon when your door is opened.

There are many door chain options available – when choosing yours, make sure the door chain has a high breaking force or individually welded links for additional strength.

Another product to add to your front door is a door viewer, which makes it possible to see who is calling before opening your door fully, giving you extra peace of mind.

Find more home security tips on our blog.

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