5 Tips to Improve Home Security this Christmas

Prevent Christmas Burglaries with Tradelocks

Christmas is a busy time of the year for us all – including thieves!  It’s all too easy to get distracted in the festive excitement and overlook home security measures.

With the dark nights creeping in and homes filled with expensive gifts, there’s never a better time to spruce up your home security.

We’ve put together our top tips to help keep your homes secure this festive season.

1) Look lived in

With shopping trips to be taken and family and friends to visit, there’s a higher chance of people being away from their homes, giving thieves plenty of opportunities to strike. If you’re not going to be in, make your home look lived in.

Putting your internal and exterior lights on timers and asking your trusted neighbour or friend to close your curtains and remove your post from the letterbox can help keep your home secure.

2) Store your gifts out of sight

Keep presents hidden until Christmas day. Store your gifts out of sight away from windows and doors.

3) Hide boxes

Packaging from your brand-new gadgets is a tell-tale sign to criminals of what they are likely to find inside your house. Be vigilant when disposing of all packages of the gifts you’ve bought and received.

4) Leave your spare key with a trusted neighbour or friend

Criminals know to look for hidden spare door keys under the mat or flowerpot near the front entrance. Leave your key with a trusted neighbour or friend.

5) Check your locks

Securing your home is much more than making sure that all windows and doors are firmly shut and locked. Burglars will try a number of methods to gain entry to your home, including using lock breaking techniques like lock snapping and lock bumping to manipulate the cylinder in to opening.

With this in mind, it’s important to check that your cylinder and door handle is secure and have been designed to withstand lock burglary attacks.

It’s a good idea to upgrade your cylinders to one with high-security features that can prevent common burglary attacks. Kinetica+K4 does all this and more – click here to learn more.

Do remain vigilant over the festive season to make sure Santa is the only one sneaking into your home this Christmas! Check out our other blog posts for more security tips.


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