Step Up Your Window Security with Restrictors & Locks

Now that we’re edging towards Spring time, you’re likely to be opening your windows more often. This carries the risk of intruder attacks, as criminals see open windows as an opportunity.

So, how can you reduce the risk of window break-ins? Installing window restrictors on all your windows not only deters burglars, but can also prevent children, pets and objects from falling from upstairs windows. According to RoSPA (the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) 4,000 children under the age of 15 are injured from unsecured windows each year in the UK, with 2,000 of these accidents involving children under 5 years old. Window restrictors work by connecting the window frame and leaf with a strong steel cable, restricting how far it can open.

Lockable window restrictor

New build and apartment windows are usually fitted with window restrictors or feature windows that are designed not to open too far, but older homes may need restrictors to be fitted. You can purchase single window restrictors from Tradelocks that can be easily fitted to all types of windows, including uPVC, aluminium, wood and metal. You can find restrictors with keys, or locked units for use in commercial settings.

You can also improve your window security with window locks (also known as sash jammers). These prevent the door leaf or window sash from being easily levered, which is a very common burglary method. Tradelocks window locks can be used on uPVC windows and doors, and are suitable for use on fire escape windows. You can even use multiple locks on the same window for added peace of mind.

Sash jammer

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