Picking and decoding the MAZ24R Door Lock Using the Genuine Lishi Pick and Decoder Vol.1

Key Details

The MAZ24R key is an edge style key with cuts on both sides. It houses 10 key cuts on both sides that use five different key heights numbered one to five, with the five-cut being the deepest cut. The key interacts with the wafers on both sides of the lock, even positioned wafers on one side and odd positioned wafers on the opposite side. The key is symmetrical, so can be used any way up.

The Instacode cutting card is IC card number 44 and the key series is listed as series 10100-12283. The key will never have two odd cuts next door to each other and will never have two even cuts next door to each other, see key rules below.

Lock Details

This lock is common throughout the Mazda range of vehicles and is also found on the Ford Ranger.

The door lock houses just eight wafers, and these will be found in positions three to 10 on the key, position one and two is not used in the door lock.

The ignition lock also houses only eight wafers, and these will be found in positions one to eight on the key. Positions nine and 10 are not used in the ignition lock.

The wafers follow a conventional one up, one down pattern with even positions on one side and odd positions on the other side. So, whichever lock you pick and decode, Instacode will be needed to progress the two missing cuts. If both locks are working on same key then both locks can be picked to get the full key, but it’s often quicker to progress with Instacode.

Key Rules

There are key rules with this lock – key cut heights will always follow an odd/even or even/odd pattern, you will never get an odd key cut next to another odd numbered key cut and will never have an even numbered key cut next door to another even numbered key cut. The pattern will always be odd/even or even/odd throughout the key.

Key Reading by Eye

As you can see, with our key, we have a cut key from bow to tip of “4125214345”. You can see it follows the key rules and is an odd/even pattern throughout.

Key cut measurements from side to side:

1 cut – 8mm
2 cut- 7.2mm
3 cut – 6.4mm
4 cut – 5.6mm
5 cut – 4.8mm



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